Wednesday, September 14, 2005

If it's trash pick-up day, it must be Wednesday

My kitten woke me up at 5 a.m., kissing me, purring in my face, walking all over me, saying, "Get up, motherkitty, and feed me." She has done this for the past several mornings. At first I was really annoyed, but now I rather enjoy being up when the rest of the world is still slumbering. It was still dark outside when I got up, but it has now lightened up a little. Fed the cats, then realized that I still had time to get that last bag of trash out to the curb before the trash truck came at 6 a.m. So, it must be Wednesday. When you're retired, it easy to forget the time and the day unless you associate them with certain recurring events.

I found a blog the other day called anonymous lawyer that really blew my mind. I had never read anything/anyone so egotistical and self-centered in all my life. I sure wouldn't hire this guy if I was in trouble. Actually e-mailed him with a few comments, but I guess I'm not worthy of a response since I haven't heard from him. I had figured he was a Californian, and Monday's post indicated he was in Los Angeles. At first I thought about how one person could say demeaning things about others. I also thought about all the times I have said nasty things about others who didn't meet my "standards." What a wake-up call. I hope anonymous lawyer finds the true meaning of life before he loses his anonymous wife and anonymous children. I plan to continue to monitor his blog to find out what happens.

Tomorrow is the day my husband and I travel to see a specialist about my knees. I have a good deal of trepidation about undergoing a serious surgery, but the prospect of being an invalid is scarier. So, I will do whatever it takes to get back on track physically. My mother lived out her last days in a wheelchair, something I'm not willing to do. BTW, I love our pool so much. Next year will be a lot of fun getting out every day and swimming. I love the exercise and the peacefulness of floating on the water, watching the birds, butterflies, bugs, cats, and dogs, and listening to nice music as we swim. I find that my husband and I are actually talking more calmly rather than being annoyed with each other all the time. Besides, it will be a good excuse for darling daughter to bring the granddaughters over for visits more often.

Time to get a cup of tea and watch CNN. So much is happening in the world, a lot of it bad. I'm looking for the good. Bye for now.


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