My tribute to Cynthia Wilson, WTC Hero
September 11, 2006
Monday marks the fifth anniversary of a day that will live in infamy in our country, the horrendous attack on the World Trade Center twin towers in New York City. This attack has become known by the shorthand use of 9/11. If you say 9/11 today, everybody knows what you are talking about.
In honor of this solemn occasion, I have chosen to participate in a special project called the “2,996 Tribute Project” which is a dedication to those 2,996 souls, of blessed memory, who needlessly lost their lives in the World Trade Center attack on 9/11 by terrorists from the other side of the world. Their weapons of choice were not bombs, but huge flying projectiles filled with delicate human beings and thousands of gallons of jet fuel.
A total of 2,995 other bloggers from around the world have chosen to participate and are submitting their tributes to one of the 9/11 victims on their blogsites. I am proud to say that I am one of the 2,996. When I signed on to participate in this project, I was assigned to write an honor tribute about one of those lost souls, a person I had never met and for whom I had never heard her name mentioned. I proceeded to find out what I could about this total stranger so I could write a simple tribute to her. Here’s what I learned.

After the plane hit, Cynthia did four things. She determined that she would be unable to get out of her offices because of a collapsed wall that blocked her exit. She called her husband to tell him that she was trying to get out of the building. He told her to cover her face with a wet cloth and that he loved her. She called and left a frantic, tearful message on her daughter's answering machine. Finally, she called her uncle who was watching CNN as the attack was taking place. During this call, Cynthia said, "Please pray for me. We need your prayer." The line went dead and Cynthia's uncle screamed as the tower disintigrated into a cloud of thick grey dust and debris.
Cynthia's body was never found. The final remnant of her life is a cherished answering machine tape of Cynthia's frantic message to her daughter. The family was able to obtain a vial of dirt from the building site. This vial was placed in an urn which was subsequently buried on October 5, 2001, at the Gate of Heaven Cemetery at Valhalla, NY. The following inscription was placed on her tombstone, "Don't grieve for me, but remember me with laughter." Cynthia would have been 58 years old this October 18th if she had lived.
I would like to think that when the two towers collapsed, and the dust billowed out into the atmosphere, the bodily remains of these 2,996 souls were absorbed and ingested by everyone on Earth so that they are still part of every living thing. Cynthia lives on because we say she lives on, not only in our hearts and minds, but because she is part of us all.
We will remember Cynthia Wilson from now on, not with sorrow, but with laughter. She was able to come to this country in search of a better life, just like my grandparents did, and she was able to find her happiness and the American Dream. Her dream will live on in her family and they, too, will remember her with laughter.
Other tributes may be read here.
Thank you for your tribute to Cynthia.
Job well done, MK. Thanks for a wonderful tribute and for reminding us to remember those lost.
Your acknowledgment of Cynthia and her life is well done. I am crying as I think about this tragedy and all the amazing people who were lost that day. I will remember Cynthia's family, they were blessed to have this beautiful person in their lives. I am very moved by your tribute.
Thank you for this beautiful tribute to the joyful soul of Cynthia. What courage it took to start a new life, and now her family is having to find that courage and more. I will be holding Cynthia's family and friends in my thoughts and prayers.
Auntie Lyn
motherkitty, this was a beautiful tribute..Thank you for doing this. Like MGT, I am crying while I was reading this.
I am typing this through my tears. This tribute was wonderful and really what blogging should be all about!
(letting others know that their life matters)
Cynthia was exactly my age and our birthdays are very close together.
Although none of us will ever forget 9/11, this is a reminder to each of us that there is a story behind each of those 2,996 souls who have left this earth...
Thanks for your comments on my 2996 post about Davin. So many people were lost that day- so many souls to be absorbed by the rest of the world. I like that thought.
Thank you for writing this and brining Cynthia back to life for a while.
Oh the tears are flowing....what a lovely tribute. Thank you for remembering her, and for providing me the opportunity to learn about someone so special. I am sure their family thanks you as well.
Cheers Motherkitty.....have a wonderful day!!!!
An amazing tribute. I love what you said about when the towers fell and the "...dust billowed out into the atmosphere, the bodily remains of these 2,996 souls were absorbed and ingested by everyone on Earth so that they are still part of every living thing"...this brought tears to my eyes. Thank you.
That is such a lovely tribute to Cynthia and all of the other people who went to eternal rest that day.
Thanks for this very emotional tribute, it makes me shiver. I cried yesterday night, there was a story of the NY fire fighters on TV and their feelings 5 years after.
Regards from Germany.
Beautiful touching and very moving tribute to a wonderful lady. Chills ran over me when you said she was on the phone with her Uncle as the Tower fell. It just points to the horror of it all. Thank you for this memorial for Cynthia. My tribute for Durrell Pearsall is up if you would like to visit.
Really lovely tribute to this dear woman....It is a lovely sentiment.."remember me with laughter"...but I'm sure, not so easy to do...the losses of that terrible day are so heart-rending...the pain incalcuable....may Peace be with all the survivors as well as those lost that fateful morning....
What a wonderful tribute. Thank you for introducing us to Cynthia. The world needed to know about her, and the others...
Great tribute. It's truly amazing how so many people have been brought together by this. Thank you.
I love the inscription "Don't grieve for me but remember me with laughter." That really says a lot about what kind of person she was. Your tribute was beautiful. Thanks for stopping by my tribute to Marjorie C. Salamone.
What a lovely tribute! Thank you for honouring Cynthia.
Thanks for stopping by mine.
This is a just heart wrenching story. So very devastating. I know my heart just fell to my stomach when I saw what was happening to our great country that day.
Sadly, it is also my wonderful hubby's birthday. (big tear) It will never be the same.
I'm also going to think about her on my birthday October 18
I'm glad I stopped in.
Wonderful post, What a fitting tribute. As I read through some of the tributes that are up it is hard not to get emotional. I only hope that mine is worthy.
My heart goes out to The Motus & Wilson Families....
~ ~Justice
In Memory of Edward P. York
My heart goes out to The Motus & Wilson Families....
~ ~Justice
In Memory of Edward P. York
You moved me to tears.
What a *WONDERFUL* tribute... My tribute for Keiichiro is up also.
That brought tears to my eyes! You'd think after reading through all of these, they'd dry up, but they don't. Thank you for sharing her story. I hope her family feels the love from the world on Monday.
I honored Michael Haub, FDNY.
My tribute to Brenda C. Gibson is also up.
Motherkitty, that post is heartbreakingly eloquent and touched me to tears. Thank you.
Days go by and it's so easy to forget, but I do remember the moment when it was on tv, i was staying at a hotel in Amish country....we plastered ourselves in front of the tv, and I never felt so afraid, or sad in my life.. Not knowing what was going to come next......
Your wrote a wonderful tribute to Cynthia.....and a great reminder of the lifes lost........
A very touching and heartfelt tribute to a special lady. It seems that most of the journallers involved in 2996 are on blogspot. I am not but I am still part of the project and have honoured my assigned victim today. I have read so many tributes and each one has touched my heart.
A moving tribute. Thank you.
This is lovely. I have been reading so many of the tribues over the last week. It is truly heartwarming to see that there are so many people out there who care so much.
my tribute to 9/11 victim Gregory Wachtler has been posted
What a wonderful tribute. Thank you.
A very moving tribute. Remember me with laughter. That's a good creed for anyone to live by. Thank you.
Thank you for this tribute and putting a personal light on this tragedy. It was lovely.
This is the first tribute I've read that has me crying. That was such a beautiful tribute.
Mine is up too.
Oh, that one really got to me... how do we ever say goodbye? What a lovely tribute.
My post is up as well. I invite you and your readers to visit my site and read about Clarin Shellie Schwartz.
Thank-you, Motherkitty.
Moving tribute. Beautiful.
I linked to your tribute from 2996 tribute to victims of 9/11 - Terrence E Adderley
You wrote a great tribute. Cynthia Wilson was a "new" American who had became a good American. The urn of dust from the holy site was sacred to her family and served her memory well.
Your tribute brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing Cynthia's story. My thoughts and prayers go out to her family and friends.
Thank you for visiting my tribute to Judson Cavalier. I encourage your readers to check it out as well.
Touching tribute!
A beautiful tribute. We lost so many beautiful souls that day.
Please read my tribute to Major Dwayne Williams, who was lost at the Pentagon.
I am honoured to have been able to read your lovely tribute to Cynthia a lovely lady.
May she and all the others walk with their lord now in peace.
A beautiful tribute. Thank you for remembering her.
I honor Lt. Col. Johnson today.
You've complied a great tribute to Ms. Wilson. Isn't it amazing what one can learn about someone and how touched they are when they've never even met?
May her family be at peace today while the anniversary of 9/11 passes.
I honor FDNY's Peter Beilfeld at my place.
Sister, I have read dozens of tributes in the last few days. Yours is the best. You're the best. I love you.
Your words certainly are eloquent and brought tears to my eyes MK. Thank you for this touching tribute to a precious human soul (among so many), whose life was senselessly brought to an end by madmen.
You've done a wonderful job and made her 'real' for so many of us, who would otherwise never have known of her.
great tribute. thanks for sharing..
my tribute is to Joeseph peter anchundia.
thank you for stopping by Joe's tribute.
my readers are all invited to visit Cynthia, as yours are invited to visit Joe too :)
I linked you at the end of the post along with some other bloggers.
Such a sad sad tale and you told it so beautifully. You have put a face and heart to a name.
We will never forget.
I remember Lisa Egan
Thank you for making Cynthia more than just another name on a memorial wall for me.
I remembered Susan Clyne and Jon Schlissel.
Very touching tribute!! Brought me to tears once again.
Thank you for stopping by and reading about Simon Weiser as well.
Thank you for sharing Cynthia's life with us on this sad day. My thoughts are with her family and friends, especially the daughter who lost her mom.
I remember Lt. Charles William Garbarini on my site.
Very well done. Thank you for allowing me to get to know Cynthia as a person rather than a statistic.
That is what the 2996 tributes are all about.
Terribly sad. Such a senseless loss of life. My father lost a college friend in the plane that hit the Pentagon. They had been friends for more than 40 years.
What a wonderful, touching tribute. It is important to remember that each person who died that day was an individual. Your post expresses that beautifully.
She is my Dad's former co-worker in the Philippines. I met her as a kid in one of the office Christmas Parties... probably I was 5 then.
Hi..uhm..i know this incident happened in 2001, but I really want to thank you for making this tribute..I happened to come across your blog..Don't be surprised, but actually she's my aunt, half-sister of my father..God bless you..
I am Cynthia's husband Bill's first cousin. We had made plans for a visit at their new condo for the end of September. Bill was so excited for me to meet Cynthia. Unfortunately this tragedy happened. May Cynthia rest in peace knowing so many people miss and love her.
This is my Mother- in- Laws cousin, just reading this brings tears to everyone’s eyes and she is still loved and never forgotten to this day. Thank you for the beautiful and kind words of her
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